Healthy tan, protecting yourself is most important

The sun is good for us but at the same time it causes very serious damage to our skin. These are two certainties, but it is possible to enjoy the benefits while protecting our skin. I have known women who have never used sunscreen because, in their opinion, the tan would be less intense, I have known Women sprinkling themselves with a very famous baby oil to enhance the tan effect while exposing themselves to incredible short- and long-term risks, I have known women who use beer, and I have fortunately known others who have understood the importance of protection, both for an aesthetic factor and for a skin health factor.

Sunbathing does not admit popular beliefs or improvised solutions.

Sun exposure must be done in a protected way; this is the unique and solid base from which to start.

The practices described in the opening, if repeated for years, can cause irreversible damage to even the most beautiful skin; in the immediate term, on the other hand, they expose the skin to the risks of sunburn, erythema, and produce an ineffective and short-lasting tan.

It is photo-aging, a destructive phenomenon that irreparably and prematurely ages the skin and greatly increases the risk of developing serious diseases.

Tips for a healthy tan

First exposures

my advice is to start sunbathing before you get to the beach, to better control the exposure time, which should not exceed three quarters of an hour a day, and can be increased gradually.

Exhibition hours

It sounds like trivial advice, but this misbehavior is often not given too much weight; exposing oneself during the hottest hours significantly facilitates sunburn and erythema, so it is best to avoid the hours between 12 noon and 4 p.m., especially during early sun exposure.


To avoid sunburn and maintain healthy skin, it is necessary to always apply sunscreen, repeating the application several times a day, especially after a refreshing dip. With normal perspiration of the skin, sunscreen tends to decrease, and it is necessary to reapply the cream a few hours later. During bathing it is the water that removes the protective veil, while when we return under the umbrella and dry off the contact with the towelette removes any residue, it is easy to see how in this case forgetting to reapply the sunscreen is a very serious mistake.

The correct protection

Every skin requires adhoc protection. Lighter skins need high protection factors, even with spf 30, while naturally darker skins can progressively go down to spf 6 factors.

The popular belief that high protection factors reduce tan intensity is false. Protection factors spf 30 make it take longer to achieve the same intensity of tan, but with the huge advantage of a healthier, longer-lasting tan.

Hair and hats

Our beloved hair also suffers from wild exposure to the sun’s rays; it is always good to protect it with hats and use specific supplements to strengthen it.


It sounds trivial, but lying in the sun without drying off after a dip promotes sunstroke and sunburn. The effect of the droplets on our bodies amplifies the power of the sun’s rays and inhibits the protective factors of creams.


Dehydration is the greatest danger, negatively affecting the tan and the skin’s natural protective mechanisms. I talked about it in this article

Perfect tan, the importance of hydration

The benefits of the sun

Let’s start with a premise, the sun is life, if you were to extinguish the sun there would be no life on Earth, the sun also has so many beneficial effects on our body:

  • Improves mood
  • It is good for the bone system
  • Improves the physique
  • Relaxes the muscles
  • It speeds up the healing of contractures

How to maintain a tan

I’ll let you in on a secret: to get a killer healthy tan and maintain it over time, we have to rely on water, it is a key element that provides hydration for the body and skin but also intervenes in the tan as an external element. Drinking plenty of water ensures the hydration of our body, and preferring showering to bathing makes the tan last longer, in fact, prolonged contact with the skin, tends to desquamate it causing the loss of the color gained with so much effort and commitment. The final touch to ensure a long-lasting tan is the use of after-sun cream, which will give the right moisture to the skin, preparing it for the next day.

The risks of the sun

The sun is synonymous with summer, vacations, relaxation, warm and pleasant, but if taken under the radar it can prove to be an enemy of skin and health. Unprotected exposure can cause:

  • Sunburn and sun rash
  • Premature aging of the skin
  • Visual impairment
  • Occurrence of serious diseases
  • weakening of the hair

Solar radiation causes the proliferation of free radicals that have the ability to damage cellular functions causing loss of elasticity, wrinkles and disease.

That is why it is essential to always use sunscreen and tan consciously.

Good healthy tan from Mrs Adorable.

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